In order to be able to run this code you need to have FEniCS installed. The best way to achieve this is to use a dockerized installation to run FEniCS. Refer to

FEniCS installation guide

FEniCS installation usually includes a minimum set of python libraries. However, you might need to install additional ones like.

It is recommended to create a named container with a folder shared with the local os:

$ docker run -ti -v $(pwd):/home/fenics/shared --name fenics-container quay.io/fenicsproject/stable

To start the container run

$ docker start fenics-container

To stop the container run

$ docker stop fenics-container

To run the container we can create a shell script containing

docker exec -ti -u fenics fenics-container /bin/bash -l

Add execution permissions to the script

$ chmod +x run_fenics.sh

Then, we can just access the container by

$ ./run_fenics.sh

Python Modules

To run the analysis on the client side, make sure you have the following packages

  1. Matplotlib
  2. Scipy
  3. h5py
  4. pandas
  5. tqdm

Installation of dependencies using PIP

Install the matplotlib package

$ pip install matplotlib

Install scipy

$ pip install scipy

Install the h5py package

$ pip install h5py

Install pandas

$ pip install pandas

Install tqdm (for progress bars)

$ pip install tqdm

Installation of dependencies using conda

Conda distributions usually come with matplotlib, scipy. In case your distribution does not include it you can run

$ conda install matplotlib
$ conda install scipy

Install the h5py package

$ conda install h5py

Install pandas

$ conda install pandas

Install tqdm (for progress bars)

$ conda install -c conda-forge tqdm